What are medicinal plants?


In traditional medicine, a plant is known as a medicinal plant if at least one of its parts has medicinal properties, such as the stem, leaves, flowers, or roots. Medicinal plants contain compounds of chemical and organic substances. Usually, these substances are obtained from the raw or processed parts of the plants. Medicinal plants are used for therapeutic purposes. Studies and research by specialists and doctors are conducted to determine how and for what applications they can be used. The biological active substances contained in medicinal plants primarily affect the bodies of living organisms, such as humans and animals


History of Medicinal Plants

The use of medicinal plants in human life coincides with the creation of man; throughout all the periods since the emergence of humans, they have been compelled to use plants. Although the use of chemical and traditional medicines has peaked in the last half-century, due to their harm to the body, humans have turned back to the use of medicinal plants. It is clear that the use of medicinal plants throughout history has been the best method for treating diseases


In Iran, the use of medicinal plants dates back to the Aryan era and the Avesta. The oldest medicinal plant is the sacred plant of Zoroastrianism, Haoma. In Pahlavi texts, it is known as the lord of plants, which causes immortality. According to Greek, Indian, and European doctors, humans have used plants as medicine for 4000 years


Applications of Medicinal Plants

We can name as applications of medicinal plants that they can be used as medicine; including as food and in some cases as fragrances for us. Medicinal plants have had applications for humans since ancient times


Ancient Greek, Egyptian, and Chinese texts have elaborately described the history of medicinal plants. For medicinal plants, sometimes we can say different parts of the plant have different uses

For example, the lime tree can be mentioned, which its flowers are used for their calming properties; while its leaves have a laxative effect. As we said, some medicinal plants are used not only for treatment but also for food purposes, such as dried ginger and jujube


It is interesting to know that one of the applications named for a medicinal plant is only related to the plant's medicinal part, not the whole plant! Among other wonders, it can be said that in some plants, even the peel has medicinal properties, for instance, not only the fruit itself but also the peel of the pomegranate is useful for the body


The Difference Between Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines

Most people consider these two the same, but they are very different. A medicinal plant refers to a part of the plant that is sold in stores and herbal shops for people's consumption after drying or as is, unchanged. Plants like green cumin fennel cinnamon sticks are known medicinal plants, and their healing properties are confirmed


Usually, the use of these is less harmful, but herbal medicine refers to a product that utilizes the properties of medicinal plants through processes, and is turned into medicine in pharmaceutical factories


Now that we know the difference between medicinal plants and herbal medicines, we know that herbal shops have the right to sell medicinal plants, not herbal medicines! These plants should be certified for their specified number and benefits over the years and ensure they are harmless or at least least harmful


However, it should also be known that excessive and more than necessary consumption of anything, whether medicinal plants or herbal medicines, is harmful to the body

The Best and Most Useful Medicinal Plants

Medicinal plants come in various types, each with unique properties. Each can be used to treat different diseases. However, you should know that a medicinal plant is not only useful for one disease; it can be beneficial for several diseases, which we will discuss some of these plants



The first medicinal plant we can introduce as the best plant is chamomile. This is because this medicinal plant has the ability to treat many diseases and is almost in the section of medicines with the least side effects


The second medicinal plant we can mention is garlic. This plant has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that are abundant in garlic. Someone who wants to have a healthy life and consume natural antibiotics can use garlic. (Interesting to know, garlic powder also has many properties in this area.) 


Since most people are unaware of the benefits of garlic, they consume it in small amounts. Another reason that people may refrain from using it is the bad breath that occurs after eating garlic. However, it should be known that the properties and benefits of this plant are so extensive that its odor can be overlooked


This plant has many properties; such as being an antibiotic, anti-cancer, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, and a strong antioxidant. The properties of this plant reduce free radicals that cause cancer. It also boosts the body's immune system and improves blood circulation


It is used to treat diseases such as colds, regulating appetite, sore throat, or a blood sugar regulator. Those with blood pressure or heart problems who take medication for these diseases should definitely consult their doctor before consuming ginger


Licorice root

Licorice root has been used for more than 1,500 years and is one of the oldest medicinal plants used to treat digestive problems and some diseases and relieve certain pains


This plant helps relieve anxiety due to its calming properties. It calms the heart and stress. It is also one of the plants that are beneficial for the cardiovascular system


This plant has numerous properties. Nettle root is used to treat joint diseases and is also used as a diuretic. The root of the plant is also used as an astringent

If we use the upper parts of the nettle with liquids, it is very useful for treating and expelling kidney stones and infections of the genital and urinary system. You can also use the aerial parts of this plant to relieve allergy sensitivities, seasonal allergies, for the control of hay fever, diabetes control, and arthritis

Milk thistle

The effects of this medicinal plant are not only not harmful to the body and physical health but also have a positive effect on thoughts and psyche. It is a plant that we can use to treat intellectual problems or even mental and mood problems. Another use for milk thistle flowers is that it used to be consumed by people in their food basket in the past


A diuretic plant that detoxifies the body. Dandelion is used to treat eczema, regulate blood sugar, or intestinal problems. It is also used to treat arthritis. Potassium is a substance found in dandelions that makes it a medicinal use


Yarrow is a warm-natured plant that can be used to strengthen blood circulation using the leaves and flowers of yarrow. It can also be used to treat minor injuries. You can make a tea from this plant that fights the cold virus. Other properties of this plant include relieving fatigue, antiparasitic, relieving bone pains, rheumatic pains, and being a disinfectant


This plant contains vitamins and minerals that significantly support many body functions. Rosemary contains carnosol and rosmarinic that give the plant antioxidant properties that are very beneficial to health. Other uses for this plant include that it can be used as a tea, as a spice in food, and sometimes topically


A calming plant that is used in aromatherapy due to its very good fragrance. Lavender is used because of its soothing and calming properties on the nerves

Aloe vera

Has a temperate nature and has been used by people for its anti-inflammatory properties for years. Other uses include treating burns or cuts and eliminating surface infections. Also, aloe vera can be consumed with water, which is very useful for digestion. (Consult a doctor)

This plant is used to reduce blood sugar, repair skin tissues, relieve eczema around the eyes, eliminate stomach acidity or gallbladder problems


Used to treat colds and sore throats because thyme leaves have antibiotic and antifungal properties


This plant has a fragrant aroma and a warm nature that can be used to strengthen the nervous system and mental health. Usually, the leaves, flowers, and buds of marjoram are used. Also, consuming this plant can reduce obsessions. This plant is one of the most consumed medicinal plants among people


This plant has disinfectant properties, which makes it used as a natural preservative. Cinnamon has properties such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and antimicrobial. Cinnamon, which contains antioxidants, can be used to fight neurological disorders and heart disease. Some people also benefit from its tea and use cinnamon powder as a spice in food


Commercial Use of Medicinal Plants

Medicinal plants also have many uses in commerce, which we will discuss some of them

Food Industry

Medicinal plants have numerous uses, one of which is in the food industry where they are used as flavorings in foods or drinks, and sometimes as a dietary supplement. They also have uses such as spices and seasonings; medicinal plants are plants that make food fragrant and give it a distinctive taste, and also because of their antioxidants, can contribute to improving human health


Moreover, cultivation of medicinal plants has become a big and thriving market. So far, about a hundred plants have been reviewed that have essential oils. However, there are over 2000 different species in 60 families of medicinal plants used in human food industries. About 3000 types of flower oils of medicinal plants have been identified and studied. One can use 300 types of them as commercial goods supplied in industries


Today in the world, the production and consumption of oils are increasing, but because a large number of plants is needed to produce a small amount of oil, it causes the price of medicinal plants to rise. However, because the demand for medicinal plants is high in today's society, technology companies and equipment manufacturers have begun to produce and boost agricultural sectors. With this work, they can increase the production of oils of medicinal plants


Medicinal plants also have therapeutic uses, and due to the drug resistance in microorganisms, they can counteract pathogens and also perform better against microbes. Medicinal plants can help treat diseases or even prevent the occurrence of diseases


The biodynamic medicinal and treatment capabilities that exist in medicinal plants allow them to be used to treat many diseases. For example, plants that have antioxidant properties can prevent diseases. Another spectrum can be cited, which disrupts microbial activity. One of the features it has is that it eliminates diseases without side effects or the least side effects


Also, studies show that medicinal plants have antiviral activity, which can reduce the consumption of chemical and industrial substances. It can also serve as an alternative to antibiotics and minimize their consumption; without the side effects of antibiotics, such as susceptibility to cancer

Because they have no side effects or at least minimal side effects compared to chemical and industrial substances, people's demand to use medicinal plants is increasing

Agricultural Industries

In the world of agriculture, pesticides are one of its most essential parts. In today's world, the demand of farmers for the production and distribution of pesticides that help the quality and performance of the product is great. Also, to be a pesticide that does not harm the crop and its properties. However, in today's world, chemical pesticides have caused damage to nature, individuals, and society due to improper or irrational use


Excessive use of insecticides, pesticides, or fungicides, due to containing toxic chemical substances, has led to dangers. Recent follow-ups regarding the consumption of medicinal plants show that medicinal plants cause the elimination of pollution agents and diseases. It also plays a significant role in eliminating pests, bacteria, monocytes, and even insects that damage agricultural products


Medicinal plants are not a risk to nature, humans, or other beings. They are also used to repel pests due to having extraordinary compounds specific to medicinal plants. (Does not have the harm of chemical poisons and pesticides)

Cosmetics and Hygiene

From ancient times, medicinal plants have been used for cosmetic and hygienic purposes. Essential oils of medicinal plants, as well as their active ingredients, were used for cosmetic purposes and in some cases as fragrances. The use of cosmetic and hygienic products that have a source of medicinal plants dates back thousands of years


Based on historical findings, medicinal plants were consumed in countries such as India, Iran, Egypt, and China, for example, in ancient Egypt, oil was extracted by evaporation

Another method, distillation, goes back to Greece and Rome, where they extracted oil from medicinal plants

With the rise of Islamic civilization, innovative methods increased. With its use, the extraction of oil and the extraction of its essence, as well as the active substance in the plant, evolved. Today, with the use of advanced technologies and equipment, the demand for extraction for use in the cosmetics and hygiene industries has increased


Potential Problems with the Use of Medicinal Plants

If you are using medicinal plants or intend to use them, you should pay attention to the following points

• It must be taken into account that the consumption of some drugs with medicinal plants causes problems. Medicinal plants can reduce or increase the effects of other drugs, which is one of the clear side effects of these plants

• You must definitely ask your doctor when consuming herbal medicines with other drugs. Another problem that may arise from the use of medicinal plants is that the body may react badly. These plants are not suitable for some people

• For example, for those with serious diseases and the slightest change in their body inflicts the greatest harm on them. Like kidney and liver diseases

• Herbal medicines may also interact with people who take other medications. People undergoing surgery must consume medicinal plants according to the doctor's instructions and with their consultation

• Pregnant or nursing women should also proceed with the doctor's opinion during consumption, as some medicinal plants may be harmful to them

• Seniors or children with very sensitive bodies should also follow the doctor's instructions and refrain from self-medication


We should not be induced to think that it can be consumed in any way because medicinal plants have been used since ancient times or because they are naturally obtained, and it does not follow. It should also be known that being natural does not mean being harmless. If a medicinal plant can be beneficial    for the body and affect it, how can it not have a negative effect and not affect the body

Conclusion + Buying Medicinal Plants

Since ancient times, medicinal plants have been the best thing for the prevention and treatment of diseases. However, it should not be forgotten that these same medicinal plants can themselves be the cause of disease. So one must be careful in using them and should not turn to them without prior required information. In today's world, medicinal plants have not only medicinal uses but also have applications in the world of commerce and are commercial for some countries


Today, due to the increasing population and also the side effects of chemicals and the high cost of chemical medicines for treatment, people are encouraged to buy medicinal plants. Also, you can buy medicinal plants from online herbal shops, non-physically, and from stores physically.