The willow plant, with the scientific name Salix alba, is a widely used medicinal plant that has a cold and moist nature. The history of using this plant dates back centuries. Due to its antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties, it acts as a strong disinfectant


In traditional medicine, this plant is used to alleviate pain, swelling, fever. Additionally, willow is effective in reducing libido and is used in treating heart diseases, gout, arthritis, rheumatic fever, menstruation, dandruff, pimples, acne, and more


Willow plants are diverse and grow easily in all parts of the world except for Australia and Antarctica. To benefit from the therapeutic properties of the plant, its dried bark is commonly used, and rarely its leaves



Willow can be used in the form of herbal tea, distilled water, and pills


The wood of the willow tree is very strong, light, and flexible. Therefore, it is resistant to cutting and bends easily. For this reason, it is often used in the making of wooden baskets. Additionally, the charcoal of willow wood is used in the production of gunpowder.




This article introduces and examines the willow plant, its benefits and medicinal properties, uses, and possible side effects


What history does the consumption of willow have?


The history of discovering the medicinal properties of willow, which dates back 25 centuries to the time of Confucius, is unclear. Therefore, it cannot be said whether Iranians or Chinese were the initial discoverers of its medicinal properties. In the distant past, Iran and China shared borders and had many cultural exchanges. However, Chinese writings that mention the therapeutic properties of willow leaves and other roots, leaves, and flowers of plants are older


The oldest remaining documents recording the characteristics of this plant date back to 470 BCE. Nonetheless, historians of science recognize Iranians as inventors of the distillation and extraction of plant and floral essences. People of the Mediterranean and ancient Greeks also have a long history in this craft


What are the physical characteristics of the willow plant?

The medicinal willow plant belongs to the order Malpighiales, family Salicaceae, genus Salix, and species S. alba. It appears as a medium-sized tree with a height of about 25 meters


The trunk of the tree is straight and sometimes curved. Its brown-gray smooth bark has narrow and deep network-like grooves. Young one-year-old branches have silky hairs that are seen in light gray or bright yellow colors. These branches are thin and long, often hanging.


Leaves of the willow tree

The leaves of the willow tree are alternate and deciduous, with short, spear-shaped, narrow, and pointed petioles measuring 10 centimeters in length. The margins of these leaves are serrated. The leaves are dark green on the upper surface with silky hairs and gray on the lower surface.




This plant is propagated through semi-hardwood cuttings. It is often cultivated as a single ornamental tree or in groups.


What is the geographical distribution of the willow plant?

The willow plant is native to regions such as North Africa, Europe, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, the Caucasus, and Siberia. The growth conditions of this plant are such that it can be cultivated and propagated all over the world, except for Australia and Antarctica.


In Iran, this plant is mostly seen in the provinces of Talesh, Kurdistan, Hamedan, Kermanshah, Lorestan, and Tehran.


What are the most important chemical compounds of the willow plant?

The plant contains abundant chemical compounds, but the most important is a compound called salicin or salicoside, found in the bark of the tree. The amount of this substance varies in different trees' bark.


Salicin or salicoside structurally resembles acetylsalicylic acid. Salicylic acid was the first substance identified from willow bark, which is used to make aspirin pills.


What medicinal properties does the willow plant have?

- Highly effective in reducing fever

Since ancient times, many cultures have been using willow branches and their leaves to soothe pain and fever. It is recommended to consume two cups of willow water per day for treating fever and cold.


- Strong soothing properties

As previously mentioned, the bark of the willow tree is the main source of salicylic acid extraction. The compound salicylic, known as aspirin, is a strong analgesic used to treat pain, fever, and infections.


- Helps in treating facial pimples

To treat facial pimples, it is recommended to boil willow leaves and mix them with a little rosewater and egg white. This mixture can be applied as a mask and left on the face for half an hour.

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- Plays a role in improving heart function

Consumption of this plant and its products is effective in regulating the activity of heart muscles and helps regulate blood pressure. Therefore, its consumption has a positive effect on improving heart function.


- Helps calm nerves

The aroma of the willow plant and the usage of its products, such as a decoction, herbal tea, and distilled water, strengthen the nervous system and aid in relaxation.


- Effective in treating dandruff

Dry scalp causes flaking and the formation of dandruff. Massaging the scalp with a mask made from willow plant moisturizes and nourishes skin cells, preventing dandruff. Additionally, it strengthens and promotes hair growth by nourishing hair follicles.



Consumption of willow is very useful in treating diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and spinal diseases.


How should willow be consumed and in what amounts?

For the therapeutic properties of willow, its dried bark is frequently used, and rarely its leaves. The bark and leaves of this plant can be used as a decoction, herbal tea, and distilled water. In this section, we mention the most important and common methods of using this plant and its dosage.


Method of consumption and dosage of willow distilled water

Willow leaf distilled water (sweet willow) possesses the aspirin property of preventing stroke, heart attack, and blood thinning. This distilled water is a weak analgesic that, unlike aspirin, does not harm the stomach.


- For headache treatment, fresh willow tree leaves should be crushed and applied to the head like henna. If possible, the head should be washed with willow distilled water.

- For headaches of unknown cause, mix an equal amount of willow distilled water and borage distilled water (150 grams each), barberry, basil seeds, and fleawort seeds (5 grams each) to prepare a syrup, and consume three cups a day.

- To relieve mouth and tongue pimples, mix tawas powder with willow distilled water, and gargle three times a day.

- To alleviate nasal allergies and sneezing, it's better to inhale willow distilled water.

- In treating skin pimples, it's recommended to wash the face with willow distilled water.

- To eliminate foot sweat and odor, mix 10 grams of borax with 1000 grams of willow distilled water, and wash the feet with a cup of it each time.

- For the treatment of rheumatic arthritis, it is best to consume half a cup of willow distilled water three times a day. Additionally, its ointment can be used on the sore spot.

- To treat headaches caused by a bilious origin, consume half a cup of willow distilled water at 10 am and 5 pm. The boiled willow leaf can be applied as a poultice on the head.

- To detoxify and purge blood humors, eat plain soup with tamarind as food, and drink half a cup of willow distilled water at 10 am and 5 pm for several days.

Method of consumption and dosage of willow decoction


- To treat fever that weakens, yellows, and disables the patient, blend willow bark, elephant-apple bark, and chicory root (20 grams each) and boil 6 grams of this mixture in a cup of water daily. This should be carried out for 21 days.

- To open blocked urinary tracts caused by heat and a warm temperament, it is better to boil half a gram of willow leaves in water and have the patient sit in it.

- To treat malaria, mix willow bark, elephant-apple bark, chicory root, and cocklebur (3 grams each) in 500 cc of water and boil, then drink a cup of it in the morning, noon, and evening. It is advisable to continue this for one week.

- To cure gangrene and stubborn wounds, dry the willow tree bark and sprinkle it in powder form on the wound or wash the wound with a decoction of willow tree bark.

- To treat spleen disorders caused by heat, drink half a cup of boiled willow leaves before meals.

- To treat facial pimples, boil willow leaves and add a little rosewater. Then add a little egg white to make a mask and apply it to your face for 30 minutes.

- To prepare a good hair gel, steep willow leaves in boiling water for 12 hours, strain it after cooling, and add gum tragacanth powder.

Method of consumption of willow ointment


- To eliminate bad breath and its infection, grind willow tree husks and brush your mouth with it morning and evening.

- To remove nipple fissures caused by milk accumulation and not nursing, grind willow tree husks, mix them with vinegar, and apply the ointment on the wound.

- To treat erysipelas, crush the leaves of the tree and apply its juice to the affected area.



Erysipelas is a dangerous disease that is transmitted to humans through cows and their raw milk. Signs of this contagious disease include initial itching at a specific body point, followed by redness. The redness gradually grows and swells; then the blister bursts, and a yellowish liquid oozes out.


- To enlarge breasts, crush willow leaves and fig tree leaves and apply the ointment on them.

- To treat headaches, crush willow leaves and apply the ointment to the forehead.

- To stop bleeding, use willow leaf ointment on the wound.

Other ways to use willow


- To treat ear infections, drop 2 drops of willow leaf water in the ear.

- It is recommended for those who have consumed many toxic drugs to detoxify with water from willow leaves.

- To stop semen leakage, drink a decoction of willow flowers.

What are the side effects of consuming willow?

Despite the numerous benefits that come with consuming this plant, overindulgence can lead to various side effects and problems. The most important side effects of consuming this plant include:


- Oral consumption of willow is safe for most people for up to 12 weeks, but continuing it may cause stomach upset and gastrointestinal problems.

- In people sensitive to aspirin, it can cause itching, rashes, and allergies.

- Its use is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

- Children should avoid its oral consumption because, if used for viral infections such as colds and influenza, it may increase the risk of Reye's syndrome, like aspirin.


Side effects of willow consumption

People with bleeding disorders should avoid using willow bark, as it increases the bleeding risk.


Willow consumption advice

People with kidney disease should refrain from using willow, as it reduces blood flow through the kidneys and can lead to kidney failure in some individuals.

Individuals sensitive to aspirin are advised to avoid consuming willow bark.

Avoid willow at least two weeks before any surgical procedures, as it may slow blood clotting and cause additional bleeding during and after surgery.

Final words


Salix alba acts as a strong disinfectant due to its antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.


Traditionally, willow has been used to alleviate pain, swelling, fever, reduce libido, and treat heart diseases, gout, arthritis, rheumatic fever, menstruation, dandruff, pimples, acne, and more.