Effective Treatment Solutions for Hyperactivity Disorder in Traditional Medicine

"I suggest reading this article before reading this one to become more familiar with this disease."

- Saffron

Positive outcomes of saffron consumption in traditional medicine, such as its properties akin to Ritalin, have been reported, which include antidepressant effects and memory enhancement.

Although the positive effects of saffron are not hidden from anyone, numerous research studies have been conducted to prove its benefits. It has been shown that saffron consumption is not only beneficial but also lacks the side effects associated with chemical drugs, such as nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, etc.

- Consumption of Chicken

Considering the observed imbalance of serotonin hormone in hyperactive children, consuming chicken, which is rich in the amino acid tryptophan, can help alleviate their behavioral symptoms.

- Catnip Plant

If a hyperactive child experiences stress and anxiety, trying the consumption of this plant is recommended. Although this plant was previously used mainly as a herbal tea or infusion to alleviate headaches and stomach pain, it is now considered one of the home remedies for reducing symptoms of hyperactivity.

- Pine Bark Extract

The herbal extract of pine bark helps reduce symptoms and behaviors associated with hyperactivity, especially lack of concentration. Additionally, if a person is experiencing stress, trying this extract can provide enjoyable effects.


- Chamomile

The use of chamomile is highly recommended for hyperactive children due to its calming properties and stress-reducing effects. Giving chamomile to a hyperactive child in the form of tea or infusion can positively affect their mood, temperament, and concentration.

- Grape Seeds

Grape seeds have many benefits, including protecting the brain against damage from free radicals and toxins, increasing blood flow velocity, and strengthening blood vessels. Research also indicates its positive effects on hyperactivity in children, and it can be given to them in the form of tea, grape seed oil in cooking, or fresh grapes.

- Gotu Kola or Pennywort

The consumption of Gotu Kola is highly recommended due to its positive effects on reducing stress and improving mental well-being. It is often recommended because of the abundance of minerals found in this plant, resulting in better brain function. When used in cooking, Gotu Kola can also exhibit positive therapeutic effects.

- Bacopa Monnieri Herbal Remedy

The positive effects of this herbal remedy include improving cognitive abilities and brain function, often accompanied by an increase in new knowledge acquisition. These reasons have led to the promotion of this herbal remedy as a treatment method for controlling hyperactivity. A syrup can be made from it, but it should be noted that only the age group of 6-8 years old can consume it daily.

- Valeriana officinalis

Another herbal remedy for hyperactivity is preparing a decoction from the powdered root of the Valerian plant. This can lead to increased learning abilities and reduced restlessness and aggressive behavior in hyperactive children. It can be consumed as a decoction or tea to control symptoms of hyperactivity.

- Flaxseed

Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency is another nutritional deficiency that has been identified as exacerbating symptoms of hyperactivity. Among the sources of this fatty acid is flaxseed, which can be consumed raw or as its oil in daily diet, resulting in a reduction in symptoms of this disorder.

- Korean Red Ginseng

Korean Red Ginseng is known for its positive effects such as enhancing memory, increasing energy levels, improving brain function, and reducing symptoms of hyperactivity. Moreover, with continuous consumption, it can also enhance concentration and focus. It is essential to seek the advice of a healthcare professional before using this herb.



- Lemon Balm

Lemon balm, with its calming properties, pain relief, reduced excitability, and alleviation of depressive symptoms, is one of the most important plants known to be effective against hyperactivity. It can be consumed as a daily infusion, 2 to 3 times a day, and positive changes can be observed.

- Kava Plant

One of the effects of consuming the kava plant is said to be the improvement of one's mood to the extent that it reduces stress. To alleviate symptoms of hyperactivity, it can be consumed as an herbal infusion containing powdered plant material or by placing it in the mouth and chewing it.

- Hypericum perforatum (St. John's Wort)

One of the primary characteristics of hyperactive children is the lack of sufficient attention and concentration. To improve this condition, the consumption of St. John's Wort is recommended. Additionally, it has been suggested that it reduces negative emotions such as indifference, guilt, and isolation. Traditional medicine practitioners recommend that hyperactive children consume St. John's Wort orally, 1 to 3 times a day, for a duration of 8 weeks.

- Avena Sativa (Oats)

Avena sativa is described as one of the important home remedies for hyperactivity due to its properties such as increasing focus, improving mental calmness, enhancing cognitive function, and reducing stress.

Nutritional Supplements and Hyperactivity Symptoms


As we know, diet plays a significant role in the mood and behavior of children, especially those affected by hyperactivity. It has been shown that when a child receives proper nutrition, their behavioral symptoms decrease. Therefore, here are some of the nutritional supplements effective in addressing the symptoms of this disorder.


- **Fatty Acids:**

One common nutritional deficiency in hyperactive children is the lack of sufficient levels of fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6, which can also lead to increased thirst. Consuming sources of omega-3 like sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds (for omega-3), and free-range fish and safflower oil (for omega-6) can help address this deficiency.


- **Vitamin B6:**

Vitamin B6 acts as a cofactor for many enzymes and influences the metabolic pathways of amino acids. Therefore, maintaining adequate levels of vitamin B6 can reduce symptoms of disorders, including hyperactivity. Additionally, this vitamin promotes better function in these children by increasing serotonin levels.


- **Iron:**

A decrease in iron levels in the blood of hyperactive children can lead to decreased attention and focus. It has been suggested that timely intake of iron-containing supplements results in better behavior.


- **Magnesium:**

Given that magnesium deficiency is common in hyperactive children, receiving nutritional supplements containing magnesium can reduce many of these symptoms.


- **Zinc:**

Another nutritional deficiency in hyperactive children is a lack of zinc intake and absorption, which, when supplemented, can lead to improvement in symptoms of this disorder.

Inappropriate Foods for Hyperactive Children


- **Reduced Sugar and Similar Foods:**

It's better to reduce sugar and similar processed foods like cakes, pastries, chocolates, and industrial fruit juices in the diet of hyperactive children to prevent an increase in symptoms and behaviors associated with them.


- **Artificial Colorings in Packaged Foods:**

Packaged foods containing artificial colors are considered harmful for hyperactivity disorder. These include items like fruit compotes, sauces, chewing gums, and lemonades.


- **Preservative-Containing Foods:**

Foods such as jams, fruit juices, pickles, etc., containing preservatives (such as benzoic acid) can exacerbate symptoms of hyperactivity and should be kept away from hyperactive children.


- **Carbonated Soft Drinks:**

The consumption of carbonated soft drinks disrupts the calcium-phosphorus balance in a child's body, leading to the aggravation of behavioral symptoms of hyperactivity.


- **Caffeine-Containing Beverages:**

Hyperactive children tend to show fewer behavioral symptoms when consuming fewer caffeine-containing beverages like tea and coffee.


- **Antibiotics:**

It's advisable to limit the excessive use of antibiotics by hyperactive children as they disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria in the body, leading to the exacerbation of hyperactive behaviors.


Novel Treatment Approaches for Hyperactivity with Acupuncture 

Acupuncture experts believe that there are numerous acupuncture points that can be utilized to control specific behaviors in hyperactive children and alleviate their symptoms.


However, it's important to note that not all children exhibit similar behaviors, and therefore, a personalized approach is adopted for each child based on their individual circumstances.


Typically, children may not show much inclination towards this method due to fear of needles. However, if used, it not only alleviates pain but also has numerous positive effects. This is because the brain returns to its natural state, and the child exhibits fewer symptoms of this disorder. To observe definitive results, it's necessary to repeat this method regularly to achieve emotional and physical balance.