Home remedies for liver cirrhosis

Although home remedies for liver cirrhosis can be somewhat effective, it is better to consult with your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of this condition. Liver cirrhosis is a chronic disease that develops over several years as a result of liver damage. It is a progressive disease in which healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, leading to impaired liver function. The main causes of liver cirrhosis are long-term alcohol abuse, fatty liver disease associated with obesity and diabetes, and viral hepatitis B and C.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, men who consume 3 to 4 alcoholic beverages per day and women who consume 2 to 3 alcoholic beverages per day are at increased risk of developing this problem. This condition can also result from conditions such as primary biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis, toxic hepatitis, hemochromatosis (iron buildup in the body), repeated congestive heart failure with liver congestion, cystic fibrosis, and so on.


If cirrhosis is mild, the liver can repair itself and continue its proper function, but as the disease progresses and more scar tissue forms, the damage becomes irreversible. Symptoms of cirrhosis include loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, weight loss, itchy skin, jaundice, edema, muscle cramps, tendency to bleed more easily, and the appearance of small blood vessels and spider-like veins under the skin. In the early stages of this disease, there may only be mild symptoms, and as the disease progresses, symptoms may worsen.


There is no cure for this disease. When treating cirrhosis, identifying the underlying cause is essential. The goal of treatment is usually to prevent further liver damage and reduce complications.


How to Treat Cirrhosis at Home:

Alongside the treatment prescribed by your doctor, you should make some changes in your diet and lifestyle. Additionally, you can use some home remedies to help improve your condition. However, before using herbal remedies and supplements, consult with your doctor. Here are 10 home treatments for cirrhosis:

Quit Alcohol:

Completely stop consuming alcohol, even if your cirrhosis is not alcohol-related. Alcohol damages liver cells and worsens your condition. Abstaining from alcohol can help prevent disease progression. Quitting alcohol is also recommended for alcohol-related fatty liver disease and alcoholic hepatitis.

A study conducted in 2009 by researchers at the University of Southampton also demonstrated the importance of abstaining from alcohol as a significant determinant of survival, even in cases of relatively severe alcohol-related cirrhosis. To prevent withdrawal-related complications, it's best to quit alcohol with professional help and under medical supervision.


Consume Milk Thistle:

Milk thistle is another useful remedy for cirrhosis. While it may not reverse existing liver damage, it can help protect against further damage. It contains an active compound called silymarin with strong antioxidant properties and detoxifying effects, protecting the liver. Initial research suggests that this herb may be beneficial for individuals with alcohol-related liver disease, but further research is needed. Milk thistle is available in liquid extract, capsule, and tincture forms as a supplement. Consult your doctor for the appropriate dosage and suitability for your condition.

Note: Milk thistle may not be suitable for individuals experiencing complications such as variceal bleeding or ascites due to cirrhosis. It is also not recommended for individuals with a history of hormone-related diseases.


Try Papaya Seeds:

Papaya seeds can aid in liver detoxification and help treat liver cirrhosis. Grind some fresh papaya seeds to extract 1 tablespoon of their juice. Add 10 drops of lemon juice. Drink it once or twice a day for one month.

Eclipta Alba:

Water extracted from the entire Eclipta Alba plant is beneficial for treating liver issues. The leaf water, in particular, is used for conditions like liver cirrhosis and hepatitis.

1. Extract water from the leaves of the Eclipta Alba plant.

2. Mix 1 teaspoon of this leaf water with raw honey.

3. Consume this mixture three times a day for about one month.

Picrorhiza kurroa

Picrorhiza kurroa can be beneficial in treating liver cirrhosis, especially when it is caused by viral hepatitis. It reduces oxidative stress, enhances bile secretion, and improves liver function. Additionally, it stimulates appetite and acts as a potent laxative.


1. Mix 1 tablespoon of powdered Picrorhiza kurroa root with raw honey.

2. Consume this mixture three times a day for about one month.


If suffering from constipation, double the amount of this herb and honey mixture and consume it three or four times a day with a cup of warm water.




Schisandra is used in traditional Chinese medicine for liver cleansing, protecting liver cells from further damage, and aiding in liver tissue regeneration. Studies have shown that it may help protect against drug-induced liver damage.


In 2001, Chinese researchers studied the effects of a combination of this herb with ginseng root and found that it effectively helped improve portal hypertension in patients with liver cirrhosis.


You can consume Schisandra and ginseng root as a supplement. Consult with your doctor for the correct and appropriate dosage.


Green tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress, which can initiate tissue cirrhosis. Additionally, it has a protective effect against liver diseases and possesses antiviral properties that aid in combating viral hepatitis. Green tea is also beneficial for your overall health.


Add 1 teaspoon of green tea powder (or 1 green tea bag) to 1 cup of hot water. Let it steep for 5 minutes.


Strain it. (If using a tea bag, simply remove the bag.) Sweeten the mixture with a little raw honey. Drink this tea regularly 3 times a day.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C has protective effects against oxidative liver damage. It also helps prevent fat accumulation and cirrhosis. Drink 2 tablespoons of fresh Indian gooseberry or amla juice 3 times a day for 15 to 20 days. Include other vitamin C-rich foods such as blackberries, lemons, and oranges in your diet



"In addition to vitamin C, other antioxidants also assist in the treatment of liver cirrhosis. For example, vitamin E helps reduce scar tissue production and aids in the regeneration of liver cells. Research indicates that antioxidants such as vitamin E and selenium can also help in the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis.


Incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your daily diet, including various berries, spinach, carrots, strawberries, garlic, brazil nuts, etc. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage also contribute to liver detoxification. Additionally, drink 1 to 2 cups of raw vegetable juice daily."



Acupuncture is beneficial for relieving discomforts such as fatigue caused by liver cirrhosis. Additionally, it can assist you in quitting alcohol consumption. In a study conducted in 2009, Chinese researchers found that acupuncture combined with a Chinese herbal decoction and Western medications helped improve clinical symptoms of compensated liver cirrhosis better than simple Western medicine alone.

Seek acupuncture treatment from a specialist. Several acupuncture points are used for treating cirrhosis, but they are chosen based on your specific clinical symptoms and manifestations.